Hair Care Tips: In this article you are being told how hair can be strengthened by using aloe vera gel with onion juice.
Hair Care Tips:
Hair Care Tips: Everyone wants to have good and thick hair and for this they also try many remedies on their hair. Many people use many types of products to get healthy hair, while many people want to make their hair healthy by using some home remedies. There are many home remedies being used in our society since ancient times to make hair strong and thick, one of which includes using onion juice on your hair. If you also want to make your hair strong and thick and are looking for some home remedies for this, then in this article you are being told about how hair can be strengthened by using aloe vera gel with onion juice.
What is the benefit:
Massaging the hair roots with onion juice increases blood flow in the roots, which helps in hair growth and it also helps in eliminating the problem of dandruff from the hair. Applying aloe vera gel on the hair reduces the dryness of the hair, which makes the hair look soft and also gives it a natural shine.
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How to use it:
To get better results for hair with onion juice and aloe vera gel, make a paste by mixing 1 teaspoon onion juice in 2 teaspoons aloe vera gel, apply this paste on the roots of your hair while massaging gently for 9 to 10 minutes. Leave it on your hair for 30 minutes, then wash the hair with cold water. Do this remedy at least once a week.
keep these things in mind:
For your hair to benefit from aloe vera gel and onion juice, first of all keep in mind that it would be better to use fresh onion juice and pure aloe vera gel and instead of applying this paste on your hair, you should use it on the roots of your hair, this will benefit your hair more.
Source: PrabhatKhabar